Wednesday, February 1, 2012

resolution round-up

1 month ago I pledged to keep 12 resolutions in 2012... 
So how have I been doing? 

health: working out is getting easier, and I even ran my first 5K! And my aluminum water bottle is my new best friend that goes every where with me.

The Zoo Run Run was my first 5K, looking to do another in March!
financial: The holidays were rough on the old wallet, but I have gotten back on track, and am being very diligent to lead a more frugal life, so that I can save up to enjoy more traveling (weddings, Bachelorette parties, visiting friends spread over the country), and looking forward to long-term investments.

relationships: I have been enjoying more evenings out with my girlfriend, have gotten in touch with some old friends, and trying fun things with Ty around town.
Hanging out with some old and new friends!
spiritual: Still working on finding a home church for Ty and me, but making my daily devotional part of my routine is getting easier.

lifestyle: The sewing machine is still sitting on the shelf (maybe this weekend I will break it out), but I am enjoying learning more about my new camera (though, not sure I will ever look like photos from The Sartorialist), and cooking new recipes is something that I look forward to every week.

These cuties are my favorite subjects for my new camera skills!
I think so far so good... I mean, I have 11 more months to work towards a better me in 2012! 
Did you make resolutions?
Are you keeping them? Be honest!