Continuing my report of Elle Magazine's article, "The Shape of Things to Come" with the HOTT spring trend - Knife Pleats (aka a fancy word for tiny pleats)
I love the lady-like trends of late, and pleats are no exception. The style blog word is full of inspiring looks that incorporate girlie pleated looks {here, here & here}, and one of my favorite Pinterest styles is pleated skirt + classic blazer.
{both images via Ashley's blog, Ring My Bell, leather skirt found here}
It was an easy chore to find a plethora of pleated skirts on the interwebs, just ready and waiting for warmer Spring temperatures. Knife pleats can be found on mini skirt, maxi skirt, and even dresses and peplum tops. All colors (hot pink!) and materials (faux leather!) are fair game too! Have fun with this style, whether it is dressed down with chambray or taken to the next lady-like level with silken blouses.
{Orange Skirt / Pink Skirt / Peach Maxi Skirt / Shimmer Mullet Skirt / Color-block Skirt / Gray Skirt (Halston Heritage on sale!)}