Tuesday, March 20, 2012

band wagoner

Sunday night I had a rare opportunity to attend the NCAA March Madness Regional Tournament here in Nashville (thanks friends!). Being that my bracket is blown to pieces (like I knew what I was doing anyways), and I do not have allegiances to any of the teams still in the competition, I decided to cheer for the team that had the cutest colors... le duh! 
Luckily I had a pair of red jeggings in my 30X30 Remix Challenge items, and two of the teams (Florida State vs. Cincinnati) playing had red as their team colors, I was a shoe in to be wearing colors of the winning team. I sure can band wagon with the best of them!
{ Boutique Lace Tank {similar} / Gap Jeggings / Nine West Sandals {similar} }
Ok, I also have to fess up. I made a slight error in judgement when selecting shoes to include in my 30X30 Remix Challenge items... no open toe flats... what was I thinking?! 
Being that it was over 85˚ F Sunday, and my feet hurt from wearing heels all day on Saturday, I had to break the rules and pull out a pair of "non-list" shoes to save my sore, sweltering piggies... So sorry to disappoint you! I promise it won't happen again! Only 13 more outfits to go!
P.S. Don't forget to enter my first every give away for a beautiful BaubleBar necklace {here}, contest ends Wednesday at midnight